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Circle Casting


The purpose of casting a circle in Witchcraft is to create a sacred area for your magical work and to invite spirits and elements to provide protection to you while working in this space. This is a creation of sacred space considered to be a place between the worlds; a bridge between the spiritual and physical planes.

A magic circle is not the only place to work magic, but it is one of the more common ones depending on your magical, cultural or religious background. Some cultures never cast a magic circle. Some magical and spiritual workers may carry out their spell work at a Crossroad, a Graveyard, or on Spirit Altar,

Before you cast a circle, you will want to cleanse and consecrate yourself and the area you are working in. Pick a time that you will not be disturbed and turn off the phones.

Start by taking a ritual bath using a combination of herbs and/ or minerals that suit your intention. (Ex.- Lavender, Rosemary, and Peppermint or Hyssop are a good combo for cleansing away any psychic gunk that may be stuck to you. While Epsom salt, Jasmine & Sandalwood would work well to get into a meditative, ritual mind-set.)

If you already have an altar, and it's possible to do; set the altar in the center of the area you have cleansed.

Cleanse the area you are to work in. (Yes physically clean it). Then a variety of things may be done to spiritually or psychically cleanse and consecrate. Some suggestions are: burn Frankincense, Benzoin, Copal, Sage, Sweetgrass, or you may sprinkle Peace Water, Salt water, or Florida Water as you walk clock-wise (deosil) around the circle.

If you do not have an altar, create a safe space where you can light one white candle, in the center of the circle. Make yourself comfortable. Starting in the East (some traditions like to start in the North) visualize a white light coming down to you from it's Divine source and entering the top of your head, through the Crown Chakra. See and feel this energy flowing downward, through your head, neck, and down to your heart. As this energy flows into your heart it flows downward traveling through your left arm, the arm you will be creating the magic circle with.  Walk the circle clockwise and see, sense and feel this energy traveling down and out of your athame, (or index finger), creating an energy circle of light and protection.

Recite aloud or silently:

"As this magic circle is cast, I ask that you

hold in your mind's eye a brilliant white light,

coming down to us from it's Divine Source,

and see this light flowing through us,

as fibers of pure magical energy

form a protective circle around us."

Starting in the East, call the powers of each direction to join and protect the circle.

Call the Quarters:

East (Face East)

Guardians, spirits, and powers of the East, and of Air

We (I), ask for guidance and protection at our Circle this day.

So Mote it be!


South(Face South)

Guardians, spirits, and powers of the South, and of Fire

We (I), ask for guidance and protection at our Circle this day.

So Mote it be!


West(Face West)

Guardians, spirits, and powers of the West, and of Water

We (I), ask for guidance and protection at our Circle this day.

So Mote it be!


North(Face North)

Guardians, spirits, and powers of the North, and of Earth

We (I), ask for guidance and protection at our Circle this day.

So Mote it be!


Akasha(Face Center)

Gatekeeper of Infinity, Element of Universal Spirit & Energy

We (I), ask for guidance and protection at our Circle this day.

So Mote it be!


Call the Goddess(Face Center)

Hail and adoration to the Great Moon Goddess,

Queen of the Night, and Lady of the Earth

Come join our Circle cast

Blessed Be!

Call the God(Face Center)

Hail and adoration to the Great Sun God,

King of the Day, and Father of the Light

Come join our Circle cast

Blessed Be!


Place an offering of food or drink for the Goddess and the God, and any spiritual beings you have invited.

Now is the time to meditate, or work any special spell casting or rituals. When you are done you will work in reverse to "open" the Circle, or undo the Circle.

Give thanks to the Deities, Gatekeepers and Elements:


Farewell to The Goddess

We thank the Goddess for joining this Circle tonight

and we (I) bid you Hail and Farewell!

Farewell to the God

We thank the God for joining this Circle tonight

and we (I) bid you Hail and Farewell!



Gatekeeper of Infinity, Element of Universal Spirit & Energy

We (I) thank you for joining and protecting this circle

and we (I) bid you Hail and Farewell!


Guardians, spirits, and powers of the North, and of Earth

We (I) thank you for joining and protecting this circle

and we (I) bid you Hail and Farewell!



Guardians, spirits, and powers of the West, and of Water

We (I) thank you for joining and protecting this circle

and we (I) bid you Hail and Farewell!



Guardians, spirits, and powers of the South, and of Fire

We (I) thank you for joining and protecting this circle

and we (I) bid you Hail and Farewell!



Guardians, spirits, and powers of the East, and of Air

We (I) thank you for joining and protecting this circle

and we (I) bid you Hail and Farewell!


The Circle is now opened:

The Circle is undone by walking counter clock-wise (widdershins) using your athame, or finger as you walk around the circle, see all of the energy travel up and back into you, up through your arm and then down into your legs and feet, and then into the Earth. After you walk the Circle, stamp your feet to help you send and ground the energy back into the Earth.


Closing Statement:

"The circle is open but never broken,

May all Spirits and Beings attracted to this ritual

be on their way, harming none.

Merry we meet, merry we part

Merry we meet again!

Never again the Burning Times!"